"Let us all work together for peace."
(Here is my speech from Penrith's vigil for peace last month. As Sarah Wilson said, "Let us all work together for peace.") Two weeks ago,...
Through my window, I see...
Women, around the world, write about positive things, good and lovely moments that make their days.
(Here is my speech from Penrith's vigil for peace last month. As Sarah Wilson said, "Let us all work together for peace.") Two weeks ago,...
Almost one year had gone and we still talk about the same subject. We knew that could be like this. Nevertheless, the end of 2020 was so...
Sadness… that has been the emotion that has arisen in these early days of 2021. My country has lost control of the pandemic. Portugal has...
In a time when so much is said about the mornings that the pandemic brings to us... “… After all, he had been doing a memorial of his...
Today, a beautiful feeling rushed in and feeling like walking on sunshine again.Breath of fresh air, blue skies, clear blue water graced...
In these turbulent times, small things have proven to be much more important than we are usually aware. The problem plaguing the world...
A lazy Saturday Morning Stay home breakfast !! Healthy Cheddar Tomato & Eggs fresh chop cilantro Yummy on French Petit Déjeuner ... LWA
During hard times, Music could be an amazing "friend". Music makes us feel understood in our sadness and in our joy as well. Like a...
Reading is to travel and to live different lives. Reading helps to create and to watch our own movie. Reading is to fill our time with...
Vacations are moments of pause. Days outside the calendar. Those of us, who are privileged enough to have it, use it to do what we want,...
One of these sunny and hot days, I was by the pool. I was laying down under the sun feeling really relaxed, my thoughts were wandering......
Hello everyone! Traveling has indeed become a challenge with the pandemic restrictions. Since traveling doesn't feel safe, I have been...
Since 2015, our Summer includes early mornings and late afternoons by the pool. In the beginning, to have a pool surrounded by palm trees...
Last month, I was supposed to go to Rome, Italy. I was going to participate in a work event and it wouldn't be my first time in Rome but...
The pandemic days made people think that they would have plenty of time to fill in and, at the same time, the idea that they will need...
This "new" World, where we live nowadays, has brought big changes in the way we happily and freely move. The past six months had shown us...
Sometimes, we need an excuse to be in our home country, our own district, our own city as a tourist. It could be a friend visiting, a...
In these days amidst the pandemic we face, I have been in my garden with my little one. And when he's been playing, I've considered the...
When we are kids, it’s easy to believe in magic. All that Disney fairytales… I remember to imagine all these impossible creatures alive...
After a while, I return home ... On the road, the view from the window reminds me a sentence that I read somewhere ... "It's not enough...