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Updated: Jan 24, 2021

Reading is to travel and to live different lives. Reading helps to create and to watch our own movie. Reading is to fill our time with emotions. Reading gives us words to have something to say about the story and about the World. Reading is to follow a story and, at the same time, is to create or to recreate the story. Reading can even help our decisions about life.

I always remember me as a person who loves to read. At some point of my childhood, my dream job was to have my own bookshop full of books and light. My dream was not to sell books. My dream was to earn money and at the same time read all the books I want, all day long. My dream was just a dream, a fantasy that, nowadays, shows me how I didn't know anything about the job. I can't remember one time when I entered in a bookshop and the seller was reading. Do you?

With all the technology that we have nowadays, even people who were very fond of reading started to read less than before. We spend lots of time in the Web just reading stuff and our time isn't infinite. It happened with all. It happened with me.

This year, I decided that it would be different. When I finish a book, I'm always felling that I had a good time reading. So, why don't do it in a regular basis? This year, I chose to read, at least, 15 books. I made a commitment with my self. Then, I just went to "Goodreads"( and I joined the 2020 Reading Challenge. It's a good way to follow what you have read so far  and to be sure that you are filling your challenge. I read books but also I hear books and I read digital books, fiction and no fiction. For me, all are books that tell me something...

During these times when "stay at home" and away from others is still an option to consider more often than we would like, reading could be a good choice to live beyond our home. With less opportunities to travel, to visit, to gather with friends and family,... reading could bring us some World.



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