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Always Like The First Time...

Since 2015, our Summer includes early mornings and late afternoons by the pool. In the beginning, to have a pool surrounded by palm trees nearby made us feel really blessed. It was amazing go swim anytime we want, to chat friends or neighbours or just lay down under the sun listening the sound of the water.

After a while, to have a swimming pool less than 5 minutes away it was just a regular thing, something like to have a window in our house. It’s good, it makes us happy and feel good but we started to forget how blessed we are to have it.

And then, the pandemic arrived and we couldn't go to the pool. Our pool surrounded by palm trees was closed and every day we wondered when it will be open again.

Last week, finally, it was the day! Our pool is open again!! And we felt the same as the first time we went to our pool in the middle of the desert.

This shows how important the most simple and normal things in our life are special. I hope that I learned to look at my good things always like I looked the first time and, of course, it will be amazing if I can always feel the same.



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