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The Blog Beautiful Window

Updated: Sep 6, 2020

Through my window, I see palm trees and water that reminds me that I live on an island. I also see cars and skyscrapers where, behind the windows, people are living and creating their life stories.

At home, like others around the world, I thought it would be amazing  to have a project  to bring people, with who I crossed my path, together. A project to do something creative, focused on the small and positive things or on the good and lovely moments that sometimes make our days. We all have them even when everything around looks bad, sad and chaotic as our World seems nowadays.

I thought about a digital art work, a story written by different authors and, finally, a blog that seemed more realistic and easier to do. I went through my contacts list , I just started to invite women who I thought would like to join me in  a team that is still under construction...

This is the beginning of a blog that I hope will become a good story for us to tell later on. A blog to allow us and our readers to have good moments during this weird leap year 2020.

E.C. (A Portuguese expat living in Abu Dhabi)


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