Hello again!
Last time I passed by, I challenged you to pay attention to the beautiful and ordinary things that, if we let them, can amaze us. I’m trying to remain more aware of those things myself. And today I want to share with you the small thing I fell that are making my days lately… these days we were not allowed to live as we are used to… my countryside walks. Even if it is bad weather and I am only able to go out for a few minutes, it makes my day! The smell of the grass, the smell of the dirt, the warmth of the sunlight, the sounds of the birds… Try it! Go outside, close your eyes, and just be there. Feel your feet on the ground, feel the breeze, feel our breathing in and out, in and out, …, gently, as all the sounds around you… and stay there, really there, for a couple of minutes. Don´t think about the work you left behind, don’t think about the problems you have to solve, those are not there… you are. Be there. Just you. For a couple of minutes… Does that make your day?